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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I register a driver for training? 

Contact your assigned State Compliance Coordinator or Compliance Manager.


Will all drivers be required to complete wheelchair training?

No, drivers will only be required to train at the highest level of service of the provider. For example: If the provider is approved to transport wheelchairs, all drivers must be wheelchair certified. All stretcher provider drivers will be required to be stretcher certified.


Will drivers need anything for the virtual hands-on training sessions?

Yes, drivers need access to a CPR manikin for CPR training and a wheelchair vehicle and wheelchair for wheelchair training. The broker will no longer supply these items after April 1, 2023.


Can I use a shared email address for all drivers to receive the training?

No, every driver must have a unique email address that cannot be shared with other drivers.


Can a driver complete the training on a phone or tablet?

No, although there is some functionality with online training using cell phones and tablets, a PC or laptop will be required to complete the training fully. A phone or tablet with the Zoom app should be used for virtual hands-on training.


Will I be notified when a driver completes training?

Updates to provide provider notifications and/or access to the driver’s progression through the training process are planned and should be available in the 2nd quarter of 2023. 


How long does the training take?

Driver training consists of online training, a live instructor-led webinar, and a virtual hands-on portion. The time to complete the training is based on the individual driver. Online courses are self-paced and should take 8-12 hours. The live webinar will last approximately 4 hours and is available M-F with the driver choosing a morning or afternoon session. The virtual hands-on will take approximately 1 hour but could vary, depending on the driver’s skill level.


How can I obtain a copy of my driver’s training certificates once they have completed training?

Once the Training Team has verified that all driver training requirements have been completed, certificates will be sent to the Broker’s compliance team for credentialing. Providers may request copies of training documents directly from their State Compliance Coordinator. Please allow 24-48 hours for processing.


If my driver has already completed training with someone else, are those certificates acceptable?

The Broker’s compliance team will be happy to review any driver training from other sources. Please provide your compliance coordinator with any certificates you would like considered before beginning training.


How can I reach one of the Instructors?

Call or Email are the best methods.
(800) 275-4065 or NEMTtraining@gentechassociates.com


Where do I get my ID card once I’m certified?

Your employer/provider will give you an ID card.